We welcome you and thank you for choosing Asian Institute of Gastroenterology. Our team would like to give you the best of the services. We would appreciate your co-operation in all respects, to serve you better.
Admission Procedure
Elective admissions should be recommended by medical specialist after out patient consultation. Emergency admissions are done directly from the Emergency/Recovery room area(Ground floor). Foreign patients requiring admission should contact International Patient Service Cell (hyperlink). Patients can avail Admission Counseling(hyperlink) prior to admission for any queries.
Location : Ground Floor, Entrance Lobby AIG
Telephone : 23378888 extn : 409
Working hrs : 24 hrs
Documents required for admission :
» Outpatient book/file/any other medical reports available
» Admission request form duly signed by medical specialist.
» If the patient is insured, please produce Insurance documents like Identity card issued by your insurer etc.
Admission Counselling
For Medical Patients :
Contact: Mr. U. Satyanarayana
Location: Ground Floor AIG
Telephone: 23378888 extn : 456
Working hrs: Monday to Saturday 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
Services Offered include :
» Treatment plan after discussing with treating medical specialist.
» Rough estimate of proposed treatment.
» Mode of payment : Cash/Credit Card/Demand Draft.
» Any information regarding the bill during hospital stay.
» Insurance and other reimbursement queries.
» Guidance for financial assistance to deserving patients.
» Guidance at the time of discharge.
In Patient Bed Charges
Type of Bed | Tariff | Description | . |
Luxury Suite | Rs. 7500/- (Per day) | Air conditioned suite with attached bath room and toilet, toiletries, television, telephone, ward robe, fridge, Electric oven, Kettle, fully automated electric bed, cutlery and Wifi internet connectivity with comfortable seating provision for the attendants. | ![]() |
Deluxe Room AC | Rs. 4500/- (Per day) | Air conditioned single room with attached bath room and toilet, toiletries, television, telephone, ward robe, fridge with comfortable seating provision for the attendants. | ![]() |
Single Room AC | Rs. 3500/- (Per day) | Air conditioned single room with attached bath room and toilet, toiletries, television, telephone, ward robe. | ![]() |
Twin Sharing accommodation AC | Rs. 2250/- (Per day) | Air conditioned room to provide beds for two patients with attached bath room and toilet, television, ward robe. | ![]() |
Twin Sharing accommodation Non AC | Rs. 1500/- (Per day) | Room to provide beds for two patients with attached bath room and toilet, television, ward robe. | ![]() |
General Ward | Rs. 750/- (Per day) | Well ventilated wards to provide 5 to 8 patients per room with attached bath room and toilet, television with fans. | ![]() |
Charity Ward | Free | Well ventilated ward to provide 40 patients with attached bath rooms and toilet, television with fans | ![]() |
Day care/ Recovery ward | Rs. 700/- (Per day) | Centrally air conditioned independent cubicles equipped to handle all emergencies. | ![]() |
MICU / SICU Charges : Rs. 3500 per day
Step Down ICU Charges : Rs. 2250 per day
Please Note :
Bed / room allotted depending on your choice and the availability. Sometimes you may have to wait for a short time till the room of your choice gets ready. Please bear with us for any inconvenience.
Charges are subject to change without notice.
If patients are shifted to MICU / SICU / Step Down ICU, the room allotted to the patient needs to be vacated (to facilitate admitting waitlisted patients). In exceptional situations if the room is held by the patient attendants, the patient will be charged for the room in addition to ICU charges.
Change of type of Accommodation :
When patient shifts from one type of accommodation to another type of accommodation , higher accommodation charges for the day will be levied.
During Hospital Stay
After admission, the patient will be accompanied to the allotted room and will be introduced to the ward co-ordinator and the sister in-charge, who will co-ordinate for all the needs and requirement during the hospital.
The patient will be attended initially by the medical officer who will record the case details and investigation details in the case file. He will also request for any necessary investigations and supervise the treatment. Subsequently the patient will be visited by the specialist (Registrar and Consultant).
Daily Routine: Includes rounds by sisters for bed making, vitals monitoring, issuing medications, arranging for investigations. Rounds by doctors in the morning and evening. Hierarchy of doctors involved in management include Duty doctor � Registrar � Consultant.
Facilities available :
Electric beds with position control buttons or Manual operating beds
Pharmacy: In house pharmacy is available, where patients can buy medicines required for treatment. Indenting medicines directly from pharmacy is available for select patient (Contact Admission Counseling Person)
Telephone: Dial 9 for operator assistance and for any calls, which will be charged accordingly
Pharmacy: In house pharmacy is available, where patients can buy medicines required for treatment. Indenting medicines directly from pharmacy is available for select patient (Contact Admission Counseling Person)
Call bell is provided at the bed side to call nursing staff for any assistance.
Food: In house canteen available at the basement (phone:). Patients who want to get their own food can bring their food. There is facility to order food of their choice from an adjacent hotel. In house dietician is available who will advise regarding the diet.
Entertainment: Cable Television service is available
Internet Wifi facility is available for Luxury ward (subject to the server load)
(Services available depends on the type of ward: Ref In patient bed charges)
Regarding the medical condition of the patient
Daily morning and evening you will be attended by duty doctors and registrars, who will advise you regarding the treatment, investigations, diet etc depending on the clinical condition and supervised by specialist consultants. You can discuss with them any queries regarding the disease, progress, outcome and discharge.
Specialist consultants will be visiting you daily, who will be assisted by duty medical officers and registrars.
Discussing the Medical condition of the patient: Any medical information of the patient is confidential, it will be discussed only with the patient and their close family members. This can be done during the routine rounds by the doctor. As it will be difficult to discuss individually with all the family members, it is advisable to identify a family member with whom the doctors can discuss the medical condition of the patient, who in turn can update other family members.
If for any reason a detailed discussion is required regarding the medical condition, treatment, the ward sister /ward coordinator /duty doctor will arrange time and place with the consultant.
After admission, it is presumed that you have given General Consent form for the treatment to be initiated as required by the clinical condition. However special consent forms have to be signed for special invasive procedures like Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Enteroscopy, Endoscopic Ultrasound, ERCP, Capsule endoscopy, Manometry, Angiogram, Percutaneous Interventional procedures etc and Surgery.
The staff nurse / doctor will explain the need for the procedure and about the procedure. You should sign after understanding about this clearly.
To enable quick recovery, minimize infections and adequate rest to the patient there is restriction of visitors in to the hospital.
Generally not more than two visitors are allowed at any given time in the wards during visiting hours.
Visiting hours: 12.00 PM to 2.00 PM, 5.00 PM to 7.00 PM
Children less than 12 years are not allowed in to the hospital (As children are easily susceptible to infections, it is in the interest of the children they are not allowed, please cooperate)
Visiting hours and procedures in ICU
Surgical ICU (SICU):
The relatives are not allowed inside the SICU, as the patients condition is usually critical after surgery and also to prevent infections.
The relatives can see and talk to their patient through closed circuit audiovisual aid at fixed hours, which will be co-ordinated by the attending medical doctor. The patients condition also will be updated at the same time.
Medical ICU (MICU):
The patient will be informed about the tentative date of discharge by the doctors during the ward rounds well in advance, so that they can make arrangements for travel, financial clearance of bills etc. Patient will also be advised whether they can travel back to their place or should remain in the city before traveling back to their place. If they should remain in the city, and there is no known place for them to stay, then they will be assisted by ward staff / Counseling staff regarding the accommodation outside.
Discharge summary
A summary of the medical record which includes the clinical details, treatment offered, investigations, progress of the patient during the hospital stay and the treatment which the patient should continue at home will be given by the ward sister at the time of leaving the ward. The ward sister / duty medical officer will explain in detail regarding the medicines which the patient should continue at home.
In case of Emergency
They will be given contact number of the specialist (printed in discharge summary), with whom they can get in touch in case of any emergency.
Follow UP
They will also be given the date and time on which they should come to out patient clinic for follow up with the concerned specialist.
They can buy the required medicines as prescribed by the specialist at the hospital pharmacy (Ground floor) before leaving. Ward sister / ward coordinator will guide regarding this.
The patient should clear the bill before leaving the ward and then collect the discharge summary from the ward sister. Any queries regarding the bill can be cleared from billing section
For Surgical Patients :
Contact: Dr.
Location: OT Complex First floor AIG
Telephone : 23378888 extn : 108
Working hrs: Monday to Saturday 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
For Medical Patients :
Contact: Mr. U. Satyanarayana
Location: Ground Floor AIG
Telephone: 23378888 extn : 456
Working hrs: Monday to Saturday 10.00 am to 8.00 pm
Payment Details
Mode of Payment:
Frequently Asked Questions